sundrowned > 08-23-2024, 07:21 PM
BDBGaming > 08-24-2024, 06:03 AM
Tominique > 08-24-2024, 08:26 AM
BDBGaming > 08-24-2024, 08:47 AM
(08-24-2024, 08:26 AM)Tominique Wrote: This is a... quite complicated question I'm not sure I can answer without writing an entire essay on, but I'll try.
To start out, bring Sonic Boom back, we treated it too harshly.
I won't lie, I was on that initial bandwagon of absolutely hating Sonic Boom and everything about it ever since we got the first teasers. You know, saying how the sports tape looked stupid, everyone is way too lanky, Boom Knuckles is horrendous-looking, the comedy is dumb, yadda-yadda. All opinions I've come to severely back down on in retrospection on the TV show and Archie comics.
I lost count on how many times I've said this, but I consider the Boom designs a really good "Westernization" of the Sonic look, and are also just good designs in general, dare I say it has my preferred Amy look.
Another reason is just that I think it'd be nice for Boom to be running alongside the mainline Sonic games like, as the 2016 Boom style guide put it, "the funny bone of the Sonic universe".
Ever since I saw this artwork from the Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Art Book, I've been thinking about the Sonic Boom that could've been, like the more comedic older brother of Modern and Classic Sonic (although technically he's the youngest). And now with the Paramount movies, we would've had Sonic content for games, movies and TV shows, all with their own respective version of Sonic and friends.
Sonic as a franchise has grown to be pretty flexible, so I don't see why not have multiple Sonic outs there to pick and choose and introduce you to the bigger franchise as a whole.
... Now, I'm not sure what else I could say that isn't preaching to the choir, actually writing that essay I said I didn't wanna do or going off the initially asked question. So I'll quickly go over these next ones...
- More games having more meaningful stories with lessons, often focusing on a newly introduced character, as a recent example, see Sonic Superstars and Trip's story of overcoming her social anxiety.
- Sonic himself being more in-line with his original Japanese character. He takes threats seriously but isn't afraid to have fun with it occasionally, he doesn't say much but he means a lot with his words, see Sonic Unleashed. He is all the good in the world and the force of nature given form, with a bit of cool factor added in, is how I see it.
- Putting more focus on the other characters, which at least seems to be happening recently. Like say lower budget, more experimental spin-off titles in between mainline releases.
- And on that, the thing I admire most about the Sonic franchise is how experimental it is, a trend that doesn't seem to be going away any time soon, so I guess I have my wish fulfilled on that as well.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm out....
Well, not really, but I gotta put a cap in my yap at some point.
... Been thinking on what to type for so long I lost where I was going, apologies if I'm just rambling...![]()
I think the takeaway here is that, for me personally, what I like about the Sonic franchise is it's variety in all sorts of media, alongside the personal touch some of the game stories have with some nice messages tied to them. In a way, I couldn't have a perfect piece of Sonic media since I just more like to see where the franchise goes next, but also how it adapts it's story-telling through it.
Like a mix of uncertainty and familiarity that keeps me hooked, it's... well, I did say it was complicated.
hooligan > 08-24-2024, 08:47 PM
(08-24-2024, 08:26 AM)Tominique Wrote: This is a... quite complicated question I'm not sure I can answer without writing an entire essay on, but I'll try.
To start out, bring Sonic Boom back, we treated it too harshly.
I won't lie, I was on that initial bandwagon of absolutely hating Sonic Boom and everything about it ever since we got the first teasers. You know, saying how the sports tape looked stupid, everyone is way too lanky, Boom Knuckles is horrendous-looking, the comedy is dumb, yadda-yadda. All opinions I've come to severely back down on in retrospection on the TV show and Archie comics.
I lost count on how many times I've said this, but I consider the Boom designs a really good "Westernization" of the Sonic look, and are also just good designs in general, dare I say it has my preferred Amy look.
BurningBlaze > 08-26-2024, 01:00 PM
(08-24-2024, 08:47 PM)hooligan Wrote: - a restructure of Sonic's World, unfortunately I'm not a fan of Sonic coexisting w/ humans really like in Unleashed, IDW only having critters and robots is the way I like it unfortunately, but I want the world to be redone, if I think of the World of Unleashed and Islands like Northstar and West Island existing all on one planet idk... it's hard to believe ig? and I know that's a stretch saying I want a world w/ fast blue hedges to be believable but if you can explain it existing, sure I'll accept itYou know, it's funny, talking about humans coexisting with Sonic, this has been a hot-button issue for a lot of people, and while I personally don't mind them being in Sonic's world, I think the way they have been utilized is kind of bizarre. Like in Sonic 06, I keep asking myself wouldn't it have been cooler if Blaze was the Princess of Soleana instead of Elise? It would tie into her having fire powers and she could basically have the same story arc she had in Rush where she is unwilling to open herself up to others and ask for help. Instead, we got this, I'm just gonna say it WEIRD and CREEPY romance between Sonic and a shapely female lol
BDBGaming > 08-26-2024, 01:24 PM
(08-26-2024, 01:00 PM)BurningBlaze Wrote: You know, it's funny, talking about humans coexisting with Sonic, this has been a hot-button issue for a lot of people, and while I personally don't mind them being in Sonic's world, I think the way they have been utilized is kind of bizarre. Like in Sonic 06, I keep asking myself wouldn't it have been cooler if Blaze was the Princess of Soleana instead of Elise? It would tie into her having fire powers and she could basically have the same story arc she had in Rush where she is unwilling to open herself up to others and ask for help. Instead, we got this, I'm just gonna say it WEIRD and CREEPY romance between Sonic and a shapely female lol
hooligan > 08-26-2024, 01:39 PM
(08-26-2024, 01:00 PM)BurningBlaze Wrote: You know, it's funny, talking about humans coexisting with Sonic, this has been a hot-button issue for a lot of people, and while I personally don't mind them being in Sonic's world, I think the way they have been utilized is kind of bizarre. Like in Sonic 06, I keep asking myself wouldn't it have been cooler if Blaze was the Princess of Soleana instead of Elise? It would tie into her having fire powers and she could basically have the same story arc she had in Rush where she is unwilling to open herself up to others and ask for help. Instead, we got this, I'm just gonna say it WEIRD and CREEPY romance between Sonic and a shapely female lol
Tominique > 08-26-2024, 03:42 PM
hooligan > 08-26-2024, 08:41 PM
(08-26-2024, 03:42 PM)Tominique Wrote: Say, albeit mostly in jest, I remember a suggestion that Princess Elise should have just been Sally.![]()
Really though, I like the idea for Sonic and Elise's dynamic, of a very free person meeting someone very secluded, and both kind of getting to see into each other's lifestyles and learning something from it. Heck, I don't even dislike the idea of romance between them, just the execution was way too forced and unearned, which was what gave us that wretched kiss to begin with.
And throwing in my two cents in the humans thing, along with just Sonic's world in general. Just like BurnBlaze, I don't really mind the humans and more actually like their inclusion just for the variety they bring to the world, I like critters and humans coexisting. And how that can only happen since, how I see it, Sonic's world is just way, way, way bigger than ours, and full of different natural anomalies and interesting little places to explore with a wide variety of locals to each place.
Which I guess is why I'm not big on outright showing the planet Sonic lives in. It gives scale to everything and kind pulls back the curtains, saying that yes, there is a limit to this world.
Though at the same time, both seeing Sonic's world in full and humans being inconsistent doesn't bother me that much because at this point, I see Sonic games as more being their own isolated stories of sorts in their own isolated universes, that only bring up past things when they're relevant.
It's no novelty to say the Sonic canon is all over the place, which is why I say there is none. Sure, it's fun to have discussions on how games connect to each other, but at the end of the day I prefer them being so unbound by previously established details like that. At this point, a game would be asking to be picked apart if it ever tries to connect everything, which is why I'm a bit unsure on the emphasis to actually connect everything recently.
Don't get me wrong, minding what the previous games do helps keep stuff like characters consistent. Gaia forbid we all start lighting fires again because Tails' character didn't get handled properly. I just more mean that I prefer games, and just overall Sonic media in general, being wild with their ideas, and thus, their own interpretation of Sonic's world/Earth/Mobius.