Alright, this is a big one, and I'm probably out of my depth, but I've had this idea in the works for a while ('bout a year, if we wanna get technical).
So I've (stupidly) taken it upon myself to novelise all of what I consider to be "main series" Sonic games, as in they all fall into the main story somewhere. My initial plan was to work on this project alone, upload it to, then surprise you all by unveiling it, but I've just now decided that won't be possible. I need help. Writer's block has hit me like a truck with this one.
So far, I have plans to novelise all games up to Sonic Unleashed, with reworked subtitles to make them a little more fitting in the context of a written story (remember that subtitles thread I made?). At the moment, I've got:
- Sonic the Hedgehog - Covers Sonic's first adventure on South Island, with bits of Sonic 1 8-Bit sprinkled in (no special stages, for example).
- Sonic the Hedgehog: Chronic Dilemma - See what I did there? It abbreviates to CD! Entails Sonic's... *ahem*... eventful trip to the Little Planet and, indeed, through time.
- Sonic the Hedgehog: Part 2 - Obvious Sonic 2 adaptation. I feel like Sonic 2 8-Bit is important here, as it establishes Tails and his relationship with Sonic, but I haven't the first clue how to implement it. Maybe a possible Kingdom Hearts Sonic the Hedgehog I.9 Second Chapter Prologue or some such.
- Sonic the Hedgehog: Part 3 - Again, obvious adaptation is obvious.
Between this and the next story, I don't feel like any games really fit into the
main storyline except Knuckles Chaotix (and even then, that would only be to establish the Chaotix for when they eventually show up in Heroes), but I haven't actually played that yet so for now I'll skip it.
- Sonic the Hedgehog: Perfect Chaos - Chronicles the first attack on Central City, from each character's point of view in (hopefully) chronological order. If anyone ever read those Banjo-Kazooie Sonic crossover fics by Herr Wozzeck, he does a thing where he switches perspective between characters each chapter. I'm thinking of doing something similar, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there I guess.
- Sonic the Hedgehog: A Matter of Light and Dark (BETTER NAME MUCH REQUIRED) - SA2 adaptation and the advent of what I'm calling the Shadow arc, which also consists of...
- Sonic the Hedgehog: Metal Apocalypse (Thanks @"Metallix", this name rocks
) - Heroes adaptation. Part II of the Shadow Arc.
- Sonic the Hedgehog: Bumps and Scrapes - Sonic Battle adaptation. I will personally throw hands with anyone who says this isn't main story, some important bowl of poo goes down in this game, plus it's just really good so I want to novelise it anyway lol.
- Shadow the Hedgehog - Do I even have to explain this one? Finale of Shadow Arc, unless I'm forgetting some stuff from '06.
- Sonic the Hedgehog: Rush (ALSO NEEDS BETTER NAME) - Yep, it's Rush alright.
- Sonic the Hedgehog: Next Generation - Not looking forward to adapting this one. Playing the game should be good for a laugh, though

'06 should conclude Saga 2. Ties everything up in a nice little bow. It advertised itself as a reboot, but characters reference it in later games so I don't buy that.
For Saga 3, I only have plans to cover Unleashed at the moment, and I think for now I'll leave it at that lmao - as you should be able to see, I've got my work cut out.
That's where you folks come in. Any capable writers who have nothing better to do like me and (more importantly) want to show up my shameful writing, contact me via PM and I can pop a link to the Google Doc where I have all my Plot Synopses and Chapter Summaries. Some good ideas are what I need at the moment, and unfortunately for me, I'm fresh out
Thanks in advance, friends.