NeoMetallix > 08-13-2018, 12:28 PM
By @
Shackstuck is an MSPA styled series following a newbie's first time visiting the Shack. It is reader drive, which means you guys provide the commands. In order to prevent any problems, you will have to PM me if you wish to be used in this, along with a description/image of your Persona(s).
As of 2018, it is currently has 1000+ panels, and is into it's fourth act.
No update quite yet, but I am popping in quick to say that I've compiled a credits page for Shackstuck.
Since the story uses so much borrowed/submitted assets, I thought it was about time to compile where its all from.
This list is still very incomplete, and if your art was used in the comic but isn't on this page please let me know. -
RE: Shackstuck
NeoMetallix > 08-13-2018, 12:28 PM
It sure is...
>Ritz: Wonder how punching people in the snout became a greeting in your culture.
Yeah... It's pretty much just you who does it.
>Cracker-Guy: Calm Amy down by telling her stories of your very first adventures in this place.
You feel like you haven't been reassuring enough to Amy, so you decide to start recounting your first time visiting the Shack.
Vertigo chimes in, bringing up that one time you two did a thing.
You admit how awesome that was, and remind him of the time that other thing happened.
Before you know it, you're both caught up in reminiscing about your adventure so far.
>Be Amy.
You are now AMY, and GOD are you exhausted.
The couch in front of you looks so comfortable, but you don't want to be rude and just nap in front of your friends.
Then again, those two seem pretty busy keeping each other company.
Surely they won't mind if you just... Lie down for a bit...
(S) Amy: Rest.
RE: Shackstuck
NeoMetallix > 08-13-2018, 12:32 PM
((First half of an update. Just a heads up that commands you submitted might be saved for future updates if not immediately used. And yeah 2006 Sonic Blast has merged with the 2011/2016 shack and there are errors a plenty))
>Ritz: Finish reminiscing already.
After a good 10-15 minutes of going down memory lane, you two finally run out of things to talk about.
haha yeah...
good times...
looks like our stories were so boring we put amy to sleep
>Turn around.
You turn around to see Amy sound asleep.
well look at that...
do you think we should wake her up?
nah bruh let the girl rest
god knows we're all tired as balls
Suddenly your Shackberry goes off!
Man, you totally forgot you even had this thing.
You notice that it looks different than you remembered.
This new look seems to be a serious downgrade.
>Devlin: Now repair your robo-self...or just build a new one. IDK. -
RE: Shackstuck
NeoMetallix > 08-13-2018, 12:33 PM
((Shackstuck now has a WIP Adventure Map!))
>View Casino Park.
>Aaron: Wonder where in the name of moderators are you. -
RE: Shackstuck
NeoMetallix > 08-13-2018, 12:33 PM
>Ritz: Answer your now inferior ShackBerry.
What the hell was that all about?
That sure didn't sound like Chaos to you, but you wouldn't be able to hear his Australian accent over text anyways.
You don't know where in the universe Australia is, but they must have some sorta thing for muffins.
Hopefully the real Chaos is okay.
You think you'll try messaging him again a bit later.
>Relay the situation to Vertigo.
You decide you should probably tell your best friend about the whole Chaos situation.
Wait, isn't Amy your best friend?
Is it possible to have 2 best friends? You've never been in a situation where this sort of thing would come up.
==> -
RE: Shackstuck
NeoMetallix > 08-13-2018, 12:34 PM
Bowserfan and Silver bring up a few more pictures, flaunting their outdated sense of humor.
What's up with these guys? It's like you're in the mid 2000s or something.
hahaha yeah! clock crew!!
Aaron: Blow them away with your own outdated meme. -
RE: Shackstuck
NeoMetallix > 08-13-2018, 12:34 PM
(small update so i can get commands for the shop sequence. we'll check on aaron and macho/ amy in a little bit)
Blaire: So what'll it be?
Blaire: Go ahead, take your time.
>Ritz: Check Stats.
Realizing that you don't have any money to spend at Blaire's shop, you decide to open up your stats screen.
How's that supposed to help the situation? You have no idea.
The stat screen seems to have changed some, but you see it so rarely that you don't really notice.
>Check Inventory.
Now we're getting there.
At the very least you could trade some items to her.
You go over you inventory, noting the 6 FILLED GEMS and the single remaining VOIDED GEM.
Wait, what's that in the bottom right corner?
Next... Next page? What? Has that always been there?
>Check next page.
You turn to the next page; something you've never thought to do before.
This reveals an additional 6 item slots, alongside a list of your currency on hand.
It turns out you've been earning money from encounters this whole time. Huh.
12,000 Shackbucks? You don't know the difference between that and the Sonic Blast Dollars, but surely it'll be enough to cover your expenses.
>Ritz: Well don't just stand there, stranger! What are ya buyin'?
You begin to browse through the list of items, immediately noticing the Cherry Doctor Pepper.
Cherry? In Doctor Pepper? It sounds too good to be true.
It's a real shame you never had this on your home planet.
RE: Shackstuck
NeoMetallix > 08-13-2018, 12:35 PM
((Thanks for all the shop suggestions. Next Update will feature Ritz spending big money. I'm gonna try waiting not as long as i usually to do post the pages here. Usually I'll wait till I have around 10 panels up on MSPFA before posting here, but that leads to a lot of updates only being partially readable on SB. although tbh I think the comic is much better when read on the mirror site.))
>Be Amy.
You are now AMY.
After traversing your way through one of the ASTRAL PLANES, you've found yourself in the bedroom of a teenage girl.
You have a strong suspicion that said teen is a friend of yours, but you're too scared to talk to her.
Though you really should say something; it's pretty rude to just stand there in silence.
>Say something
>Girl-Rit-Er, Amy: Try to interact.
She looks back at you with a vacant stare.
>Greet her.
Coming to the conclusion that this MUST be your friend, you excitedly wave at her.
==> -
RE: Shackstuck
NeoMetallix > 08-13-2018, 12:35 PM
((The Shackstuck Discord is now uhh... a thing? click here to join: https://discord.gg/WqqUa8j ))
>Amy: Wake
You jolt awake, tossing the makeshift blanket aside.
Your shock quickly turns into a feeling of disappointment.
Traversing the paths and finding Kiara... Was it all a dream?
Your name is Kiara, and you think you might be losing your mind.
We'd spend some more time with you, but that'd just be more blurry nonsense.
>Ritz: Bounce pad!
You purchase the bounce pad and it sits there, well... Bouncing.
Better put that thing in your inventory before it bounces away.
>Ritz: Buy a Cherry Dr Pepper.
Oh hell yes.
>Ritz: Purchase the Room Permit.
Blaire signs all the proper paperwork and before you know it you've become a property owner!
Look at you, making investments in a building you can't verify is the same one from before.
You also receive a ROOM KEY, marked with the number 627.
>Ritz: Maybe get something to eat, too. Grab a few Hero Sandwiches for the road.
You decide to buy the Triple Stacker for here and now, and 3 Hero Sandwiches for later.
Your health may already be full, but that's doesn't mean you aren't hungry.
It's pretty tasty, too. Too bad it's not a box of Ritz Crackers.
>Ritz: Oh, and a few Sonic Energy Drinks for that fatigue you're feeling.