Ok, who formatted the memory card?
ProtoBusterSword > 08-05-2018, 10:42 PM
Seriously? I was THIS CLOSE to getting that Master Emerald! *Holds index finger and thumb a meter from one another* THAT CLOSE.
And plus....NOOOO!!! My Blog on my upcoming comeback fanfiction! That's gone too!!!
Huuuuughhhhhhhh....Ok, let's get this over with so I can grieve properly.
TONDA GOSSA everybody! I am Aaron, Aaron Kunai. Buuuut....As of late, I'm BETTER known as ProtoBusterSword (AKA Sir Proto AKA The P.B.S.-That's The Protorious BusterSwrd to y'all!) I'm (according to my Twitter profile) a "Run of the mill gamer, Bachelors and Associate degrees under his belt, semi-nerd and average tweeter. Aspergian & proud supporter of nerdcore and #NetNeutrality " So there's that. I'm a student of RP'ing and very approachable overall. I hope we can get along well on this forum. Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with me, ask me for my opinion on things, or even request my presence on an RP! Go ahead. I don't bite.
Now...L-let me be!!!! *Slams door shut and grieves for his lost shot at being on top and for his lost blog*