Sup guys, MoD here!
DF was talking about this place a while back, had a poke around and well one thing led to another. I've got to cook up a new avatar at some point, add a signature, blahblahblah... to all the old faces, sup? To all the new faces, mwahahaha...
Oh yeah, what have I been up to? Working, living, surviving pandemics, nothing particularly out of the ordinary.
In terms of hobbies since I last graced these parts with my presence I've taken up 3D printing. Recently had to knock livestreaming on the head(technical issues) but hoping to get back into drawing as I have a Wacom One tablet that's sitting around not doing a lot since I got it.
As far as RL goes I've been dating a girl for nearly 11 years, we've met DF face to face(and even been on holiday with him a couple of times!) and have a small army of cats(six - Penny, Matilda, Mew, Pudding, Nala and Loki. All of them have a story, and I'll be more than happy to share it!) that somehow get along without murdering each other on a regular basis.
That's all I've got for now, I can see it's a little quiet around these parts so no rush in replying to this post. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, work as hard as you play and save some pizza for DF