Hello Friends & Strangers!
Dregan > 03-12-2022, 11:07 AM
Well hey there one and all! I'm Dregan and I'm... well, kind of an old member of the forum? Somewhat doubtful any will remember me (especially as I'm not certain most I ever interacted with are still around), but was mainly active... I wanna say it was all the way back around 2008? I think I've poked my head in a couple of times since then too, but that's been kind of the key period that I was around. I did sprites, comics, RPs, the whole lot - and had a lot of fun doing it!
Of course, University, and life, and time all took their toll. A long way away from all that and I have my own place, and my own time to spend... and I was feeling nostalgic! Though I'd take a curious glance at the ol' place... and lo and behold there was life! Not just life but almost a mini-renaissance, a return of activity that hadn't quite been there the last couple of times I'd poked my curious head around.
Aaand thusly I thought... well why not? I still love Sonic, still love the fandom, and I've really missed... well, being around a community like this! I love forum communities, and I've found the shrink of them over the past few years kind of depressing. Thus, well... here I am now, once more! Looking forward to speaking to you all, and getting involved here!