AgentNeon > 12-04-2024, 08:10 AM
Fair warning that I'm going to yap.
Classic/Dreamcast Era
So, July of 1993. It had been eight months since the successful "Sonic The Hedgehog 2" was released on the Genesis, and the third installment released a few months back in February. So Sonic Team knew for a fact that there was going to be some time before the next game. So they took it upon themselves to pair up with Archie Comics; a publishing company. In that same month, the first issue of Archie Sonic The Hedgehog was released. What Sonic Team obviously didn't know is that this was going to be a sad, heartbreaking, depressing comic later on, But for now, it was a comic series just for laughs, and just used as media to hold through through the games releases. From issue one to thirty, things are good. HOWEVER, at issue thirty, things begin to get interesting. I'll assume you (reader) know who Uncle Chuck is, but if you don't, he is Sonic's uncle and father figure from Sonic Underground. In this issue, Sonic chomps down on a show thinking it's a chili dog. He reminiscences on Chuck, since he got roboticized a few issues beforehand. (Keep the word "roboticized" in your mind.) Robotnik trips and is sent to the void. (Also keep this in your mind, it'll be important later on.) Apparently, Chuck is Chuck, just in a metal body. That makes him a spy. Skipping over a rocket fight, Robotnik comes back and Snively.. snivels. 31# has Sally meeting up with.. cough, cough GEOFFREY. This guy is an absolute pain. Sonic and Geoffrey start arguing WHILE Sally is captured. Eventually, Antoine, Tails, and Rotor draw attention away from a.. giant.. robotic spider. (Early Archie has zero common sense) And this is where the love triangle starts. Issue 33# brings Blast from the Past, though none of this quite matters. From 33# to 71#, everything is perfectly fine. Except for a abused dragon used by her boyfriend but ehh. Sonic uses Nate Morgan's (a human in Archie whaaa??) Super Emerald to stop to destroy Mobius and in turn gives him green eyes and a shoe buckle. Which means Robotnik goes full Eggman.
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