Tominique > 4 hours ago
BDBGaming > 2 hours ago
(4 hours ago)Tominique Wrote: It's been bothering me how busy I've been to contribute much to the forums lately, only really finding time to play other games and chip away at some art of mine. Then I realized I'm thick and this place also has an art category, so here's some of what I've been doing all this time.
Comparison of Tangles, from early 2024 to late 2024
After acquiring a sketchbook, I wanted to use the whole thing.
I'm a big fan of Metal Slug, too.
The Japanese text just says "Rusty Rose" again.
Meant for my birthday, having Surge slamming Tangle's face in the birthday cake. Ended up giving up on it but the irony of Surge ruining my birthday as well isn't lost on me.
And finally, two WIPs I'm currently trying to get done.
This is all to say, even when I'm not here, Sonic is absolutely in my mind 24-7.